On Copyright and Rights Owners
Content of this archive is provided free of charge for noncommercial purposes. Any use is on condition that in each instance the source is credited. We highly appreciate to be notified about any further use; contact the WEBMASTER.
For commercial use, permission is mandatory; please contact the WEBMASTER.
Large part of the photography section is also available in higher resolution.
For legitimate purposes we will provide hi-res files upon request.
Contact: astronomische-uhr.rostock@uni-rostock.de
Individuals Involved in this Archive
The initiative to create this archive was started by Fedor Mitschke. Construction began in 2019.
Strong support in creating the structure was provided by Andreas Heuer; Andrija Neskovic skillfully implemented it.
The content inserted so far has been provided by these individuals:
- Wolfgang Fehlberg
- Fedor Mitschke
- Manfred Schukowski
and of the ITMZ ( Information Technology and Media Center, a subunit of Rostock University) - Edeltraut Altrichter
- Thomas Rahr
- Wolfgang Roßmannek
We also thank Ilvio Bruder und Robert Stephan, and numerous individuals and organisations who kindly permitted that certain documents are shown on these pages. Rostock University kindly provides server capacity.
All people involved thank the Rector of Rostock University, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schareck, for his continuous support.